RELATIONSHIPS We have discovered through true collaboration and partnership development, and working closely with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander employees and community partners, new opportunities exist. Through our Innovate RAP we have committed to sharing our expertise and recognising that progress and seeking positive outcomes will continue to create these positive relationships. By continuing every day to strive to build and grow the positive relationships we have forged, we believe the connections already established, as well as new relationships and partnerships, can continue to rise and prosper bringing even greater results for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Action 1. Establish and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and organisations. Deliverable Timeline Responsibility • Meet with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and December HR Manager organisations to develop guiding principles for future engagement. 2021 • With local stakeholders, agree steps needed locally to improve engagement December Lead: BC with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. 2021 Consulting Support: Area Managers • Develop and implement an engagement plan to work with Aboriginal December Lead: BC and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and organisations. 2021 Consulting Support: Area Managers Action 2. Build relationships through celebrating National Reconciliation Week (NRW). Deliverable Timeline Responsibility • Circulate Reconciliation Australia’s NRW resources and reconciliation May 2022, Regional materials to our staff. 2023 HR Manager • RAP Working Party/Committee members to participate in an external NRW event. 27 May – Regional 3 June 2022, HR Manager 2023 • Encourage and support staff and senior leaders to participate May 2022, General in at least one external event to recognise and celebrate NRW. 2023 Manager HR • Organise at least one NRW event each year. 27 May – CEO – 3 June 2022, Executive 2023 Assistant • Register all our NRW events on Reconciliation Australia’s NRW website. May 2022, CEO – 2023 Executive Assistant